Whatsapp check marks single check maek
Whatsapp check marks single check maek

whatsapp check marks single check maek

Unlike what the messages claim, there’s no use of three tick

whatsapp check marks single check maek

You can read more about the check marks of messages in WhatsApp’s FAQ section. Description of WhatsApp Check Marks for sent messages.It's also another compelling reason why I believe BBM is a better service, and when it does become available on Android and iOS I want to see all my WhatsApp' using friends, colleagues and family members on Android and iOS switch to BBM immediately.As of this writing, the current version of WhatsApp is using only one or two tick mark (check marks) using two colors Grey and Blue. The read confirmation is what makes an IM client a reliable form of communication between individuals.Īnd thus, I think it's an important message for WhatsApp users to know. And to me, the value of the read confirmation is EXTREMELY important. It's in WhatsApp's FAQ that this is the case, so they're not hiding this lack of funtionality, but from my observations its definitely a BIG misunderstanding among WhatsApp users out there. Note: this does not indicate that the message was read, just that it was delivered.Īlso note that in a group chat you will only see one check mark indicating that the message was successfully delivered to the server.

whatsapp check marks single check maek

(two checks) message successfully delivered to the phone of your chat partner. (one check) message successfully delivered to the server. This is often referred to as the "dirty R" when it comes to BBM, but the concept of the dirty R doesn't exist on WhatsApp as there is no read confirmation. I have seen this happen in my life often - where people think I've read their WhatsApp message and ignored them in replying because they see two checkmarks on their end, yet in reality I haven't even read the message on my phone. Based on the precedent set by BBM and WhatsApp, I think a LOT of WhatsApp users out there mistakenly take this to mean that one checkmark means the message has reached the phone while the second checkmark means the message has been read. Instead of a D and R, WhatsApp uses checkmarks to represent message status. The value of the R is super critical, as it's what keeps you in the loop on the status of your conversation and that it's happening in real time. The R represents that the message has been read by the recipient. The D represents that the message has been delivered to the phone. On BBM and iMessage for that matter, D and R are used as notifications to the sender. One critical feature that WhatsApp is sorely missing that a lot of users simply do not realize is a notification that your message has been read by the recipient.

Whatsapp check marks single check maek